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Telomere Repair Enhancer, by ONOGEN® is a complete green food powder, specifically designed to override chronic stress and modern life induced-biomolecular deficit, aiming to support your immune system and telomeres health by building your core “stress-proof” through a multiple mechanistic biomolecular approach.





What is it?

This formula features highly absorbable vitamin C combined with NAC, and a concentrated blend of active micronutrients, methyl-donors and natural herbs and anti-oxidants specifically selected by our physician to keep you, your telomeres and your immune system healthy.1-5


Product can be diluted in water or any other fluid. Most of our customers like to dilute it in green tea, coconut water, plain yogurt, orange juice, fruit smoothie or protein shakes.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product is Vegetarian.

How does it work?

NAC helps to replenish levels of glutathione, considered the ”master antioxidant” in the body. Renowned for its ability to regulates brain levels of glutamate, a key excitatory brain neurotransmitter. Additionally, NAC support the body’s natural detoxification system. Combined with Vitamin C and potent blend of micronutrients and herbs, this powder formula is designed to support the body’s natural defense power of the immune system and the health of your genes and telomeres.1-12​​

We recommend product to be taken daily. Product can be diluted in water or any other fluid. Most of our customers like to dilute it in green juice, green tea, coconut water, plain yogurt, orange juice, fruit smoothie or protein shakes and use it for maintenance three to five times a week or for one to two weeks every month.

What are the benefits?

Most of our patients report increased energy, vitality and brain power when taken the supplement in regular basis. They have also described to noticed suffering less colds.

  • Highly absorbable Vitamin C (with NAC)
  • Active micronutrients
  • Methyl Donors
  • Natural Herbs
  • Antioxidants


  1. Fenech M. Nutriomes and nutrient arrays - the key to personalized nutrition for DNA damage prevention and cancer growth control. Genome Integr 2010;1:11. ​
  2. Moores CJ, Fenech M, O'Callaghan NJ. Telomere dynamics: the influence of folate and DNA methylation. Ann NY Acad Sci 2011;1229:76-88. ​
  3. Paul L, Cattaneo M, D’Angelo A et al. Telomere Length in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells is Associated with Folate Status in Men. J Nutr 2009;139:1273- 1278.​
  4. Bull CF, O’Callaghan NJ, Mayrhofer G, Fenech MF. Telomere Length in Lymphocytes of Older South Australian Men May Be Inversely Associated with Plasma Homocysteine. Rejuvenation Res 2009;12:341-349. ​
  5. Serra V, von Zglinicki T, Lorenz M, Saretzki G. Extracellular superoxide dismutase is a major antioxidant in human fibroblasts and slows telomere shortening. J Biol Chem 2003;278:6824-6830. ​
  6. Martin H, Uring-Lambert B, Adrian M et al. Effects of long-term dietary intake of magnesium on oxidative stress, apoptosis and ageing in rat liver. Magnes Res 2008;21:124-130. ​
  7. Kurz D, Decary S, Hong Y et al. Chronic oxidative stress compromises telomere integrity and accelerates the onset of senescence in human endothelial cells. J Cell Sci 2004;117:2417-2426. ​
  8. Watfa G, Dragonas C, Brosche T et al. Study of telomere length and different markers of oxidative stress in patients with Parkinson's disease. J Nutr Health Aging 2011;15:277-281. ​
  9. Furumoto K, Inoue E, Nagao N et al. Age-dependent telomere shortening is slowed down by enrichment of intracellular vitamin C via suppression of oxidative stress. Life Sci 1998;63:935-948. ​
  10. Yokoo S, Furumoto K, Hiyama E, Miwa N. Slow-down of age-dependent telomere shortening is executed in human skin keratinocytes by hormesis-like-effects of trace hydrogen peroxide or by anti-oxidative effects of pro-vitamin C in common concurrently with reduction of intracellular oxidative stress. J Cell Biochem 2004;93:588-597. ​
  11. Dröge W, Breitkreutz R. Glutathione and immune function. Proc Nutr Soc. 2000 Nov;59(4):595-600.​
  12. Geiler J, Michaelis M, Naczk P, Leutz A, Langer K, Doerr HW, Cinatl J Jr. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) inhibits virus replication and expression of pro-inflammatory molecules in A549 cells infected with highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza A virus. Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Feb 1;79(3):413-20.​
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